Related Habitable Zone and Exoplanet Web Sites
Related Habitable Zone and Exoplanet References
- Gaidos, "Candidate Planets in the Habitable Zones of
Kepler Stars", 2013, ApJ, 770, 90
- Hinkel & Kane, "Habitability of Exomoons at the Hill
or Tidal Locking Radius", 2013, ApJ, 774, 27
- Jones & Sleep, "Habitability of exoplanetary systems
with planets observed in transit", 2010, MNRAS, 407, 1259
- Kane, "Habitable Zone Dependence on Stellar Parameter
Uncertainties", 2014, ApJ, 782, 111
- Kane & Gelino, "Detectability of Exoplanet Periastron
Passage in the Infra-Red", 2011, ApJ, 741, 52
- Kane & Gelino, "The Habitable Zone Gallery", 2012,
PASP, 124, 323
- Kane & Gelino, "The Habitable Zone and Extreme
Planetary Orbits", 2012, AsBio, 12, 940
- Kane et al, "A Catalog of Kepler Habitable Zone
Exoplanet Candidates", 2016, ApJ, 830, 1
- Kasting et al, "Habitable Zones around Main Sequence
Stars", 1993, Icarus, 101, 108
- Kopparapu & Barnes, "Stability Analysis of
Single-planet Systems and Their Habitable Zones", 2011, ApJ, 716,
- Kopparapu et al, "Habitable Zones Around Main-Sequence
Stars: New Estimates", 2013, ApJ, 765, 131
- Kopparapu et al, "Habitable Zones around Main-sequence
Stars: Dependence on Planetary Mass", 2014, ApJ, 787, L29
- Selsis et al, "Habitable planets around the star
Gliese 581?", 2007, A&A, 476, 1373
- Underwood et al, "The evolution of habitable zones
during stellar lifetimes and its implications on the search for
extraterrestrial life", 2003, IJAsB, 2, 289
- Zsom et al, "Toward the Minimum Inner Edge
Distance of the Habitable Zone", 2013, ApJ, 778, 109